
First day with your new hands?

I worked yesterday--and I started off the day as though I had never before used my hands. Sometimes our shake machine overflows for whatever reason--and of course this had to happen to me yesterday. So the shake overflowed and started to flow onto the front of the shake machine. No big deal, I wiped it up quick before it fell. So I was taking the tray over to the sink to rinse off before it got messier and don't I drip a whole line of it all the way to the sink. Later on the shake machine and I fought again when I ended the shake early only to realize as it started coming out of the machine that it had already released itself automatically and I only made it start again. Oops.

I also sprayed whipped cream everywhere.
Dropped Sweet and Sour sauce outside the window
Dropped someones change
Opened a new roll of dimes to have them explode all over my drawer
Tripped over something.

Never have I had so much trouble with being a klutz. Guess I had an off day. How embarassing!



So...last Saturday I worked an overnight. Boy, those are interesting. Obviously around 2 o'clock, we get pretty busy, however that is not usually when the funniest people come about. By 2, everyone is so drunk and trying to be so careful and quick so as not to get in trouble that they are not really amusing. It's those that come before and after; the ones who are too drunk to stay at the bar till 2 or are too wasted at 2 to drive home.

This past Saturday I had some surprising groups--a truck with 3 people who were not college students, but rather in their late 20s early 30s. Listening to them order was hilarious, 1 girl who was obviously a very vocal belligerent drunk was screaming about how she wanted a double cheeseburger, "make sure you got my double cheeseburger!" over and over again. Also insisting she was not an alcoholic, to which I responded, "I'm not here to judge."

Then as the night went on, it was breakfast time, this is when I start to get groggy and boring. Well, one girl looked like she had walked all the way to McDonalds in the pouring rain, got in some car when she got to our parking lot and then ordered. Poor girl had mascara and makeup all over her face, she was trashed and could barely order. Shortly after this is when all the hunters come in their camo get ups and dragging a long their sons to come camping with them. It's pretty cute actually. Lastly, some rude old man comes through--after interrupting me on the speaker and being pretty much all around rude he comes up to the window, "good morni--" i try to say, until he interrupts me and says "ya, ya, ya..." throws his money at me, tells me to keep the pennies and drives away.

People are so great.


Man in Suit

If only he read blogs...

Man in a suit comes storming into McDonalds, goes immediately to the bathroom. A few moments later said man comes out to wait in line. ::PAUSE:: To set the scene, there are two people in drive thru: one at the window handing out food and the other taking orders. One girl on front counter, taking/getting the order of the person two ahead of man in suit. My manager is on the phone with a complaint and I am standing where the future McCafe will be, making condiment bags--obviously busy obviously not on front counter. ::PLAY:: Ok, man in suit looks at the woman in front of him (mind you he just walked into line)
Man: Ma'am, have you been helped yet.
Woman: Um...no, but I am in line waiting.
Man: (looks up at me with a glare) is someone going to help us?
Me: (staring blankly) Of course, as soon as she is done taking other orders. She'll just be a moment.
Man: Well, this is ridiculous, I've been in line for 5 minutes waiting for service and all of you are standing around.
This man was so rude and out of control and oh ya, NOT in line for 5 minutes...literally 10 seconds.
Me: Well sir, (pointing to drive thru) those two are taking orders in drive thru, my manager is on the phone with a complaint and the girl who should be taking your order is helping the people ahead of you.
Man: Well, this is just ridiculous we should have service and should not have to take this long. What about you? What are you doing? YOU take my order.
Me: I'm not actually on a register sir, I am not allowed to.
Man: Well, do it anyway.
Me: Um....(at this point I'm like WTF?!)
So we walk over to a register and I end up taking his order, mind you this whole time I am killing him with kindness trying to make him stop being an ass--it's not working. I take his order, someone else brings him his food before he's even paid and proceeds to tell me that "This service was ridiculous and should not have taken him 10 minutes for fast food. I do pay your salary you know!" To which I respond "Thank you sir, have a great night, sorry about the wait."

Now, I would like to note that this man was in the store for no more than 5 minutes, literally. And while customers coming to the store makes the business flow, etc and ultimately he does pay my salary; unless he was going to hand me the amount of money I earned taking his order, then he can wait just like everyone else.


Happy Meal Toys

Ok...remember the mini Beanie Baby toy craze? When everyone and their mothers would collect these miniature versions of the real thing and there was a crazed mom at every McDonald's asking for toys 1, 6 and 11 (I don't even know which those are.) Well, for some reason even the not so popular toys tend to spark interest in people. Recently we had had Wizard of Oz toys, which I'll be honest, if I didn't work there and have access to I would be one of those crazed people, but back on topic; the Wizard of Oz toys seemed to ignite some weird crazy flame within every person in Fredonia. Every day, without fail, some jerk would come in looking for the "Lollipop guy" or "The Wicked Witch," thus holding up the drive-thru line while we scrummaged through boxes and bags of happy meal toys. Thank heavens those are gone...

On a side note however, next are Madagascar 2: Back to Africa toys and OMG am I excited. They look pretty cuuuute! ;-) I'm in college, I swear.


I've Found It!

I've figured it out...found my niche! It's about time, right Ann?!

If someone can write about their experiences as a toll booth worker, I can write mine about my experiences as a McDonald's employee. Now comes the honesty, I guess I have to be upfront...I, Laura, work at McDonald's. There--it felt good to get it out there. ;-) Now, despite the stigma attached to those who work at fast food joints, I will not be working there forever and serving burgers to people I graduated high school with. It's a college gig, pays my bills and keeps me out of trouble.

So many people come through McDonald's drive thru that there is no reason I cannot write about them here. I would however like to include a disclaimer that I apologize now for any stories I tell that could have actually been anyone reading this or your friends or to anyone who has done any of the things I might possible mention.

So to begin my post keep in mind I work drive thru--meaning I take your order (order taking), take your cash (drawer), or hand you your food (present). When coming through drive thru remember these tips:

1.) We can hear the person in the passenger seat, the speakers are pretty good, don't talk about us right then, wait till you pull away.
2.) Because of #1, you DO NOT need to yell into the speaker, we can hear you at a normal speaking volume.
3.) I am NOT a mind reader, there is no special McDonald's mind reading class. That means, that thing-a-majig and oh ya know are not items on our menu.
4.) When you say you want nuggets or a Happy Meal, once again, I am not a mind reader. I do not know how many nuggets you want or what type of Happy Meal you want either.
5.) When asked if you would like sauce for nuggets, do not just say yes. We have a variety of sauce, specify or I'm giving you no sauce.
6.) We have Coke not Pepsi, that's why there are Coke logos everywhere.
7.) Don't take 30,000 minutes to pull around to the first window because you're digging for change, prepare yourself.
8.) I do not serve you food at the first window.
9.) When I recite your order to you, I do it to make sure it's correct and you don't come back bitching in 15 minutes, don't look at me blankly, answer me.
10.) Most importantly, if you are going to complain about service, time it takes to get your food, whether too fast or too slow (yes people complain about how fast food comes), the amount of liquid in your drink, your fries, your Happy Meal toy, your food, ANYTHING...just remember: You could have cooked it at home, at your specifications, speed, flavor preferences, etc. We can only do so much.

There, a few pointers to remember, and not meant to be rude, just humorous. :)


Post Undecided

I am going to start writing this post in hopes of finding something to actually post about. So far I am thinking manners...Having a blog called rants undecided could prove to be beneficial.

Manners are an important part of human interaction and in my life as of late, I have found that they are an "endangered" trait so to speak. Working in food service you encounter your fair share of rude people, but it is not even there that I have encountered many of my rude meetings lately. On campus, in class, over fall break, it is like everyone has forgotten what they are. Now granted this does not apply to everyone, but a decent amount of people lately.

I was brought up, and this is just me, but I was brought up being taught that "please" and "thank you" and showing your appreciation for someone or something are basic common courtesies, as easy as breathing. I do not think others were brought up this way based on my recent interactions. Not everyone has to be 100 percent nice all the time, but some basic manners would be nice. That is why I have decided to post below and outline some basic manners so everyone can brush up (no offense, this in no way means you are one of the "rudes" I've encountered lately.)

Good old wikiHow on How to Have Good Manners!


Blogs to Share

I've been blogging for about 10 minutes this morning, just perusing through, trying to see what I could come up with. Ya know, get some links up something entertaining...when I came across this. Someone has decided it would be a great idea, and I agree, to simply post dated and recent pictures of famous celebrities. Check 'em out...some of 'em are pretty good.

Then...10 minutes later after searching through more blogs most of which are in languages I do not speak, I find a beautiful photography site that just needs to be shared. I was amazed at the creativity and great moments captured.

Next on the list...I found a random blog that appears to be of interest to me. I began to look through, went to the first post to see if I could find out what it was all about and found a sweet video. I'm interested.


Blog Update

Do Not Be Alarmed! Previous Hindi posting was strictly for fun, and I guess you may never know what it really says. :)

Now, this blogging situation for class so far has been pretty interesting. I'm pretty sure choosing a blog title and such is one of the most nerve racking things ever! If you do not choose the right one no one will look at your blog, aside from the few friends you made subscribe to it so you could have some site traffic. I think that the only thing that really made me want to go to wordpress was the cool pop up boxes that show brief links or clips of the highlighted items--jealous.

Big ups to my headers designer, Mr. GeeMuni. :) Cool.


उप एंड रुन्निंग

सो थिस इस इन हिन्दी बेकाउसे सोमेहोव इ चंगेद आईटी एंड इ दो नोट क्नोव हाउ तो फिक्स आईटी। सो उन्तिल इ कैन फिगुरे आउट फॉर सुर हाउ इ चंगेद आईटी। हियर आईटी इस, अ पोस्ट इन हिन्दी। अवेसोमे, होप इ गेट अ गुड ग्रेड फॉर थिस ओने।